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LEt us fix your smile!

Fixing your teeth with clear aligners has many benefits over traditional braces. For example, you can easily take the trays out to brush and floss which leads to better oral hygiene and better overall health. The trays are discreet and very effective when worn as recommended.

Dr. Sprowls has many years of experience with Invisalign and can determine if it is the right treatment to give you the smile of your dreams. Dr. Sprowls has trained with some of the top Invisalign providers in the country and has learned some of the most advanced and succesful techniques and protocols available. She has the experience to give you the smile you have always wanted!

We will work until you are happy. Dr. Sprowls and her experienced team will provide you with amazing service. We charge less and give more. Online consults are available with very little wait. We provide in-house financing. We want to remove the barriers so that you can have a bright, straight, healthy smile.


Cosmetic Dentistry


Cosmetic bonding

Sprowls Dental smiling family for Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic tooth bonding is a quick and easy treatment for patients who have minor cosmetic and functional issues. We can complete the cosmetic teeth bonding procedures in a single office visit.

Dental boding uses a tooth-colored, biocompatible composite resin to hide flaws in the teeth. The resin is applied by the dentist directly to the tooth and sculpted into the proper shape and form, then cured using a special light. Dental bonding may also be used in combination with other cosmetic dentistry procedures and as part of a smile design.

Composite dental bonding is commonly used to treat:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth

  • Gaps between teeth

  • Discolored tooth structure

  • Fill dental cavities

  • Misshapen teeth

  • Short, stubby teeth to make teeth appear longer

Dr. Sprowls uses composite dental bonding as a conservative treatment for patients. The process is very similar to a resin dental filling. Composite bonding does not remove any of the tooth’s natural structure as happens in porcelain veneers or dental crowns.

While dental composites are extremely durable, they are not permanent and may need to be retouched or replaced in the future. Porcelain restorations such as dental crowns or porcelain veneers are permanent and much longer lasting. Dental composites may also be more susceptible to staining from foods and beverages, so special care should be taken to ensure long term success.


Cosmetic teeth bonding is typically completed during a single visit to our Centerville dentist office and takes less than an hour to complete. Dr. Sprowls will select a composite resin color that will closely match the color of your natural teeth for virtually unnoticeable treatment.

Dr. Sprowls will prepare the surface of the tooth (or teeth) to be treated. She will directly apply a tooth-colored, biocompatible composite resin and sculpt it into the desired shape. The tooth-colored resin material is hardened by an ultraviolet light or laser. Once the composite has cured, Dr. Sprowls will trim, shape and polish it to match the sheen of the rest of the tooth surface. Teeth bonding requires the precision and artistic ability since the work is done freehand without the use of molds or impressions.


Tooth bonding is often covered by dental insurance when addressing tooth damage or a dental health concern, but is also an alternative to the more expensive option of dental veneers. We will discuss all aspects of your tooth bonding procedure, including cost, prior to your treatment. We accept all dental insurance plans and work with patients to estimate their portion of the total cost.


If you are interested in learning more about how composite dental bonding could address your dental concerns, contact Dr. Sprowls at (937) 434-1151.  We look forward to meeting your needs and goals for your smile and helping you enjoy the lifelong benefits of good oral health.


teeth whitening

Sprowls Dental smiling teens for Teeth Whitening

Who doesn’t want a whiter smile? Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments.. Dr. Sprowls offers multiple options for teeth whitening including Zoom chair-side teeth whitening and take home bleaching kits.n cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening may be the quickest, easiest, and most affordable way to transform your smile. Our teeth whitening options are safe and effective, designed to minimize tooth and gum sensitivity and yield the best results.

at home teeth whitening kit includes the innovative whitening gel, custom fit bleaching tray, tray case, and shade guide. The custom fit tray ensures that the bleaching gel will be administered evenly and properly without causing damage to the gums or tooth enamel.


How does professional teeth bleaching compare to over the counter options?

There are many over the counter options for teeth whitening including whiting tooth paste, whitening strips and gels. For patients who want the best results, professional treatment is still the best choice. We offer teeth whitening systems with custom fit trays to ensure even whitening of the teeth. In addition, our products are specially formulated to reduce tooth sensitivity, a common side effect of whitening.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Teeth whitening is one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry treatments available. The cost of your whitening treatment will depend on the type of whitening you choose and your desired outcome.

In office whitening costs an average of $500 per treatment and at home whitening can range between $250 and $500 depending on the system you choose. Refills for touch up treatment may be an additional cost. Contact our office for more specific details.

Will bleaching cause my teeth to be more sensitive?

One of the more common side effects of teeth whitening is tooth sensitivity. Dr. Sprowls carefully supervises teeth whitening treatments to ensure minimal side effects. The products we use are specially formulated to virtually eliminate sensitivity.

How long does whitening last?

The results of teeth whitening will vary based on each individual. Most patients can expect whitening to last six months to a year. Touch-up treatment every four to six months can help extend the treatment results. Visiting the dentist regularly and avoiding smoking and dark foods will also help to keep your teeth white and bright.


porcelain veneers

Sprowls Dental smiling adults for Porcelain Veneers

Whether you’re looking for a subtle change or dramatic transformation, porcelain veneers may be the answer. A porcelain veneer is a thin, translucent shell of tooth-like material that is bonded to the front of teeth.

Centerville dentist Dr. Sprowls incorporates porcelain veneers into cosmetic dentistry treatments for patients who want to improve the beauty, health, or function of their teeth. Porcelain veneers may be used to treat a variety of dental health or cosmetic concerns:

  • Diastemas (spaces between teeth)

  • Chipped or broken teeth

  • Discolored teeth that can’t be bleached

  • Uneven or crooked teeth


The process for porcelain veneers is fairly simple.  Here is what you might expect:

  • Initial Consultation & Examination – Regardless of your treatment, you will receive a comprehensive consultation and examination with Dr. Sprowls. During this visit, she will inspect your teeth, gums and mouth and determine if porcelain veneers are right for you. Next, she will map out a customized treatment plan to meet your cosmetic goals as well as address your health concerns.

  • Tooth Preparation– Dr. Sprowls will begin treatment by preparing the teeth for the porcelain veneers. In most cases, this involves removing a small amount of the natural tooth structure to allow room for the porcelain veneers in your mouth. Dr. Sprowls will take impressions of your teeth that will be sent to a dental laboratory where the permanent porcelain veneers will be made.Typically, temporary dental veneers are placed over the teeth for protection and esthetics. Temporary dental veneers are made of plastic and temporarily sealed to the front of the teeth. These are typically worn for 2 – 3 weeks while the permanent dental veneers are being fabricated at the laboratory.

  • Final Fit & Restoration – When the porcelain veneers arrive from the laboratory, Dr. Sprowls will try them on to check their fit, shape and color. She will make any minor adjustments that might be needed before permanently bonding the porcelain veneers to the teeth.

  • After Care – Porcelain veneers require some special care. Dr. Sprowls will review instructions with you and show you how to floss and brush the dental veneers. Routine dental cleanings and examinations are important to ensure long term health and proper fit. Porcelain veneers are highly stain resistant and will look bright for years to come

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