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General Dentistry



Sprowls Dental Family Smiling for Family Dentistry

At our Centerville office your family will receive the comprehensive, expert dental care necessary to keep everyone smiling for years.

We offer dental services to patients of all ages in a warm, family friendly setting. This means that children are able to be treated alongside their parent or caregiver for their dental health needs. Bringing your children to the dentist early will set in motion a lifetime of healthy oral habits. Our focus is on preventive dental care and early detection of dental diseases. When your children are able to see the same dentist as you, it can help ease their worries. Dr. Sprowls and her staff are committed to making every member of your family feel comfortable.

Family dentistry can provide many benefits to patients:

  • Reduces anxiety for pediatric dental patients by enabling them to experience dentistry alongside a parent or caregiver

  • Busy families can coordinate appointments and all can be seen and treated under one roof

  • Emphasizes the importance of maintaining good oral health as we age

Dr. Sprowls offers the range of cosmetic, general, and restorative dentistry necessary to keep everyone’s smile healthy and functional. She also offers pediatric dental services that are important for the growing child’s dental health:

  • Dental sealants

  • Custom sports mouth guards

  • Wisdom tooth extraction

Good habits start early in life. We will take the time to teach even the youngest patients how to effectively care for their oral health between visits. Our staff is dedicated to becoming a partner in your overall health care, understanding your unique needs and desires when it comes to your smile.


pediatric dentistry

Sprowls Dental Smiling child for Pediatric Dentistry

Good dental habits are formed early in life. It is important for children to visit the dentist regularly. Having a family dentist where the whole family can be treated in the same office is both convenient and reassuring for children.

Your family dentist Dr. Sprowls and staff at the Centerville office are highly trained and experienced in treating children.


The best way to prevent cavities and tooth decay in children is through regular visits to the dentist and routine dental cleanings.

Dr. Sprowls and her team will take the time to educate parents and guardians on the importance of pediatric dentistry and teach proper pediatric dental care. We can also address common issues such as thumb sucking, tooth decay, orthodontic treatment, and wisdom teeth removal.


Where a pediatric dentist is solely focused on children, our office is family oriented. We encourage parents to bring their children to the dentist early so they can become familiar with our dental office.

Our staff is trained to make children feel as comfortable as possible. We take the time to explain their dental treatment and to educate them on the benefits of keeping their teeth and gums clean and healthy. Our goal is to help your child develop an understanding and appreciation for the role that their oral health plays in their overall well-being, especially as they grow. Children look to parents for signs, so the best thing you can do for your child is to remain calm and relaxed during a visit with us.


If you are looking for a dentist in Centerville that loves kids, consider Dr. Heidi Sprowls as the dentist for your whole family. Enjoy the convenience that a family dentist offers and feel comfortable knowing that you’ll receive comprehensive family dental care.

We strive to make your family visit to the dentist easy and stress free. Our office accepts most major dental insurance carriers and submits claims electronically on your behalf.


Dental fillings

Sprowls Dental Woman with Dog for Dental Fillings

Patients no longer have to worry about unsightly, uncomfortable metal dental fillings. Today’s dental fillings are highly esthetic and virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. At the same time, these “white” dental fillings offer excellent long term protection for teeth that are weak or damaged. Depending on your condition, Dr. Sprowls may select a resin or porcelain dental filling.

Resin dental fillings are commonly referred to as “white” fillings and can be matched and shaped to blend seamlessly with your smile. They are also nearly indistinguishable from the natural tooth. These types of fillings are made from a biocompatible composite resin which is applied directly to the tooth. They are mercury free, highly durable, and decay and stain resistant. Dr. Sprowls typically uses resin dental fillings to repair teeth with minor decay or damage. Resin dental fillings are long lasting, but not permanent. They are used as part of a conservative treatment plan to protect the tooth from future damage.


Do you have old amalgam (metal) dental fillings that are impacting the appearance of your smile or breaking down and coming out? You can choose to have them replaced by Dr. Sprowls. Modern advances in cosmetic dentistry mean that you no longer need to suffer from unsightly and uncomfortable silver/mercury fillings. Whether your motives are cosmetic or out of health or comfort concerns, metal dental fillings can easily be removed and replaced with more esthetic tooth colored ones for a more comfortable and natural looking restoration.

For teeth that have large metal fillings, a dental crown may yield the best results. The dental crown will add stability to the tooth and conceal any discoloration that may have been caused as a result of the metal filling.


If you have lost or have a broken dental filling, it is important to contact our office as quickly as possible. Dr. Sprowls makes it a priority to treat dental emergencies as quickly as possible. Please contact the Centerville office as soon as you can to schedule emergency treatment.



Sprowls Dental Smiling family for dental sealants

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are very thin coatings that are applied to the surfaces of your teeth, including the premolars and molars to create a protective barrier that bacteria cannot penetrate. Sealants seal teeth against decay. This protection can be especially beneficial for children.

How do we apply Dental Sealants?

To begin, Dr. Sprowls will clean and dry teeth that will be sealed. Then, a special etching liquid is applied to rough up the surface of the tooth to make a stronger bond. The dentist will paint the sealant directly onto the tooth’s surface before hardening the liquid with a special blue light.

The process is fast and easy, and it can be completed in a single appointment. Sealants are as hard as they will be once you leave the office. They can last for years, but we’ll check them at each of your dental visits to ensure they continue to protect your teeth.

Who can benefit from Dental Sealants?

Sealants are often applied to children’s permanent teeth. The first molars begin to appear by 6, and most kids will have their second molars by 12. Sealing these teeth as soon as they erupt can keep them strong and cavity-free. Adults can also benefit from dental sealants, unless you have restorations on your molars.

Although sealants are typically placed on unrestored teeth, they can occasionally be applied over small areas of decay. This can help prevent further damage.


tmj therapy

Sprowls Dental smiling business person for TMJ Therapy

Symptoms of TMJ

TMJ disorder will often manifest itself in ways that appear to be unrelated to the jaw. This may include severe headaches or ear, neck, and face pain. Other more obvious symptoms include difficulty chewing or biting down, a popping or clicking sound when opening and closing the jaw, and jaw pain.

Causes of TMJ

The most common causes of TMJ disorder is clenching or grinding teeth at night. During times of high-stress, many people fail to have a restful nights sleep and reduce stress by inadvertently clenching their jaw closed or grinding down their teeth while sleeping. This can manifest very early in life, with children even being impacted by teeth grinding. When this takes place, the muscles and joints are forced to remain in a tense position, leading to pain in the joints and muscles the following morning. If this happens only occasionally, you may have a minor headache and feel better the next day. If, however, this is occurring on a nightly basis, TMJ symptoms can begin to manifest and you will begin to feel less and less comfortable. You may want to pay particular attention to whether or not you have a headache or jaw pain after having a stressful day at work or being upset about something.

Don’t hesitate to let our team know if you suspect you are suffering from TMJ disorder. We can help you!

TMJ Therapy Options

Dr. Sprowls always recommends starting with the least invasive treatment method. We recommend you start with gently massaging your jaw muscles a couple of times per day. We can show you how to do so without irritating the area or causing a flair up. You may also want to analyze your diet to determine if any particular foods may be too difficult to chew, thereby making the problem worse. Dr. Sprowls often finds that patients are increasing their jaw problems by regularly eating foods like tough meat and nuts that require more forceful chewing, placing stress on the muscles and jaw. By switching to soft foods or ones that are easily pulled apart, you may start to feel better immediately.

Through our TMJ therapy, we provide a non-invasive solution for helping patients to feel better. Since TMJ is often caused by teeth grinding or clenching, preventing the upper and lower teeth from touching is a fast way to experience relief. In our office, we can make an impression of your teeth and use it to create a custom night guard for you to wear while sleeping. The night guard is made of a clear and comfortable plastic that surrounds your upper and lower teeth, similar to how a full retainer would function.


custom sports mouthguards

Sprowls Dental football for Custom Sports Mouthguards

Mouthguards are removable dental accessories that protect the teeth and gums from this trauma. The American Dental Association recommends that athletes wear custom mouthguards for sports to avoid severe oral injuries and trauma, so if you engage in recreational sports, it is just as important to wear a mouthguard as they provide increased tooth protection and are easy to use.

Types of Mouthguards

  1. Preformed mouthguards: Preformed mouthguards are available at sports stores and have a unique teeth pattern. They are the most affordable version available, but they are not very comfortable unless the wearer has perfectly aligned teeth. There are many people who find these preformed mouthguards painful on the gums.

  2. “Boil and bite” mouthguards: Partially adjustable, “boil and bite” mouthguards are also found at sports stores. They are flat and relatively hard until placed in a pot of boiling water. The user then lets them cool slightly and mold it onto their teeth using their fingers and tongue. These mouthguards are significantly more comfortable than the preformed mouthguards.

  3. Personalized or custom mouthguards: Made in our dental office, personalized mouthguards are the best fitting devices. To make the safest and most comfortable mouthguard, Dr. Sprowls takes an impression of your teeth. The impression is used to mold a personalized mouthguard from a soft and resistant material. They are unbeatable when it comes to comfort and protection. Personalized mouthguards are highly recommended for patients wearing braces.

Who Should Wear Mouthguards

  • Professional athletes who play any sort of contact sport such as hockey, football, boxing, and many others.

  • Children and adults who engage in the above-mentioned sports or other dangerous activities with risks of injury (e.g. skateboarding).

  • People who grind their teeth at night. Grinding damages the tooth enamel and applies pressure on jaws that provokes pain and headaches. To prevent the discomfort, a special mouthguard or a nocturnal bite plate can be attached to teeth. Worn all night long, it prevents grinding to eliminate these problems.

Mouthguards Care and Maintenance

Care and maintenance of mouthguards is a relatively simple process and does not require a lot of time. The basic rule is to keep it clean! Rinse you mouthguard or clean it with a mild cleanser after each use and rinse it thoroughly before putting it back in your mouth. Store your mouthguard in a ventilated container to prevent damage or odors. If the mouthguard is made in acrylic, it needs to be kept fully immersed in water to maintain its shape and properties.

With the right mouthguard, you will feel confident and protected. If you are planning to get a mouthguard, contact our friendly staff today.

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