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restorative dentistry

dental implants

Sprowls Dental smiling older couple for Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Does your smile have missing or painful teeth that make daily functions such as chewing, eating, and speaking difficult or painful? Thankfully, modern restorative dentistry offers ways to replace missing teeth that are stronger, more functional, and more natural-looking than ever before. Dr. Sprowls is literally changing the lives of patients who have once had missing teeth!

Dental Implant Procedure

Now the best practice in dentistry, dental implants are titanium posts used to support a restoration for a missing tooth or teeth. By replacing the missing tooth roots, dental implants provide the strength and stability needed so you can eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Additionally, what makes dental implants superior to any other tooth replacement alternative is their ability to support and maintain the jaw bone, preventing bone deterioration and helping preserve facial features.

Placement of dental implants involves a routine surgical procedure. During the surgery, a small titanium post is placed directly into the jaw bone and left to heal. During the healing process, the bone and implant begin to fuse together, a process known as Osseo integration. Once fully healed, Dr. Sprowls will fit the implant with your restoration of choice, which may be a crown, denture, or bridge.

The entire dental implant process goes smoothly because Dr. Sprowls collaborates closely with the oral surgeon who places the implant, and with the dental lab that creates the restoration. It is important to her that you are completely satisfied with the outcome of your new tooth or teeth, and that they feel, function, and look completely natural. By working with a great team of experts, you can feel confident that your new smile will be strong, healthy, and beautiful.

With proper care, dental implants are a life-changing solution for missing teeth. If you are hiding your smile because of missing teeth, or are considering your tooth replacement options, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sprowls today!


crowns and bridges

Sprowls Dental smiling adults for Crowns and Bridges

Dental Crowns

Crowns are caps that fit over the top of your natural tooth to protect and strengthen it. They come in a variety of materials, including porcelain, metal (porcelain fused to metal), or ceramics. Crowns containing metal are reliable and strong, but they can be less attractive.

The Dental Crown Process

If Dr. Sprowls determines that a crown fits your needs, she’ll discuss what type of crown you’d like and explain the benefits of each type.

She’ll have to reshape your tooth slightly in order for the crown to fit over the top of it. Only a small amount of enamel has to be taken off for this and won’t put your tooth at risk. If you’re uncomfortable with this procedure, she can provide sedation so you can relax.

The next step of the process is for Dr. Sprowls to take an impression of your tooth so the crown can be customized for it. But don’t worry — using an Intraoral Scanner, we can easily scan your teeth to quickly take a 3D impression of your teeth, no putty or mess required.

These scans will be sent to the laboratory where your permanent crown will be created. Once it’s complete, your new crown will be placed with a dental adhesive.

Dental Bridges

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental bridges may be able to improve the appearance and function of your smile. A dental bridge consists of prosthetic teeth supported and strengthened by their attachment to crowns over the natural teeth, referred to as abutment teeth, on either side of the gap.

Dental Bridges vs Dental Implants

Dental bridges are currently the most popular form of tooth replacement for multiple teeth. Multiple individual dental implants could also be used to fill these spaces but for some people, dental bridges are recommended because they lessen the strain on that area of your mouth.

If you grind or clench your teeth, this may cause a dental implant to loosen and come out. Bridges spread the impact across a wider area, so the won’t be in as much danger.

Dental bridges can last anywhere from five to 15 years, depending on how well you take care of your oral hygiene. Coming to our office for regular dental cleanings can help them to last longer, too.

The Dental Bridge Process

In order for your bridge to be placed, you’ll need to get two dental crowns. The dental crown process, as described above, will be the same for those teeth. While your permanent bridge is being made, you’ll receive a temporary bridge so you won’t have to live without teeth.

When your permanent bridge is ready, you’ll return to our office so Dr. Sprowls can place it.

Repairing Your Dental Bridge

If you’ve noticed something wrong with your dental bridge, contact our office by calling (937) 434-1151 so we can help you. Depending on the issue, Dr. Sprowls may be able to repair your bridge.

In the case that the porcelain coating on your bridge is cracked or chipped, this can be easily fixed. But if there’s an issue with one of your abutment teeth, the bridge will likely need to be replaced.


dentures and partials

Sprowls Dental smiling senior adult fr Dentures and Partials

Types of Dentures

There are two different types of dentures, complete and partial dentures. When all of the teeth are missing, complete dentures are used. On the other hand, partial dentures are used when some of your natural teeth remain. With partial dentures you can stop other teeth from shifting, along with filling in those embarrassing gaps where teeth are missing.

Reasons For Getting Dentures

There are many reason you may be considering to get dentures. While dentures might not be for everyone, there are many benefits after they are in place. The reason for getting dentures include:

  • Loss of all or several teeth

  • Pain

  • Enhancing smile

  • Improve chewing

  • Speech improvement

  • Help digestion

Denture procedure

Getting dentures requires more time and visits than a standard filling. The process starts with talking with your dentist. Once the decision has been made to receive dentures, then taking accurate impressions (molds) and measurements is the next step. From there, the number of visits to your dental clinic will depend on perfecting the fit, color and shape.

Time Frame

There are two different time frames that could be applied to your situation. In one situation, you may have the conventional type of procedure. This is where the teeth are removed and the gum tissue has several weeks to heal. On the other hand you get get an immediate procedure, where the dentures have been made in advanced, and are placed in immediately after the teeth are removed.

Post Procedure

It is normal to be experiencing certain post procedure conditions. There could be an increase in saliva flow, for example. Other experiences include some soreness, possible chewing and speech difficulties due to your muscles and tissues getting used to your new dentures.

Denture Repair or Replacement

While dentures can last for many years if properly cared for, they still might need to be repaired or Replaced. If your dentures need repairs let our friendly dental team take a look.

Denture care

Dentures are very durable and can last for many years. Sometimes, however, they may need to be remade, repaired, or readjusted.

After your dental procedure, proper cleaning of your new teeth is important. Be sure to follow the instructions given to you by your dentist. Good oral hygiene and regular dental visits are highly recommended to help increase the life of your dentures, and your dental health.

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